


报告人:赵锦柱 教授 



邀请人:董帅 教授




The origin of Organometal halide perovskites appealing properties is sometimes assigned to their potential ferroelectric character. However, their ferroelectric nature remains under intensive debates. In our recent work, we rationalize, using first- principles calculations, how the subtle interplay between the propensity of organic molecules to bond with the inorganic framework and the appearance of iodine octahedra rotations inherent to the perovskite structure, progressively forces the orientations of methylammonium molecule, which is the key to shed light on its ferroelectric properties. We will clarify the potential ferroelectric and paraelectric behavior in tetragonal phase and the origin of anti-ferroelectric behavior in the orthorhombic phase. Along previous work, the complex arrangement of molecules and the role of tolerance factor are discussed here which will be able to explain the controversial experimental reports regarding its ferroelectric character [1]. Besides, we will clarify the origin of building FE order in Organometal halide perovskites via non-polar molecules [2]. Our work as a very timely and significant contribution in unifying and deepening our fundamental understanding of this promising material and in clarifying the long-standing debate regarding its puzzling ferroelectric behavior. The final view is rather simple and of wide interest.

1. NH4PbI3四方相结构的铁电极化序以及竞争构型(铁电、反铁电构型)的相对能量

[1] Wen-Yi. Tong, Jin-Zhu Zhao*, Philippe Ghosez*. npj Computational Materials, 8, 165 (2022)

[2] Jia-Bin Li, Zhi-Kang Jiang, Rui Wang, Jin-Zhu Zhao* and Ruiqiang Wang*, npj Computational Materials 9, 62 (2023)

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